Setup OpenPGP on macOS
Install the GPG on macOS:
$ brew install gpg2
Generating GPG key:
gpg --gen-key
# Key type: [1] RSA and RSA (default)
# Key Size: 4096
# Key expiry: [0] key does not expire
# Enter passphrase
Use GPG Key with Github
Your GPG key id is the 17F7A59386F928AA
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
sec 4096R/17F7A59386F928AA 2017-03-23
uid Risan (Risan GPG Key) <[email protected]>
ssb 4096R/9876543210ABCDEF 2016-03-10
Export our public key. Copy and paste our exported public key to our Github account.
$ gpg --armor --export [email protected]
Tell Git about our GPG key:
$ git config --global user.signingkey 17F7A59386F928AA
Set all commits to be signed by default:
$ git config --global commit.gpgsign true
If you used gpg2
from Homebrew, update the program:
$ git config --global gpg.program gpg2
Sign our commit:
$ git commit -S -m "Your Message."
Basic Commands
List public keys in your keyring:
$ gpg --list-keys
List private keys in your keyring:
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
Delete private key:
$ gpg --delete-secret-key "User Name"
Delete public key:
$ gpg --delete-key "User Name"
List the private key in LONG format:
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
Export public key to be shared with the other:
# Print to console.
$ gpg --armor --export 17F7A59386F928AA
# Or you can use email address.
$ gpg --armor --export [email protected]
# Or export to file.
$ gpg --armor --export [email protected] > mypubkey.asc
Edit User Detail
Edit user detail:
$ gpg --edit-key 17F7A59386F928AA
gpg> adduid
How to Back up
How to back up our GPG keys:
$ mkdir ~/Desktop/gpg
$ cp ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ~/Desktop/gpg/pubring.gpg
$ cp ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg ~/Desktop/gpg/secring.gpg
$ cp ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg ~/Desktop/gpg/trustdb.gpg